Karl Marx is a famous philosopher, political economist, historian, pioneer of political theory, sociologist, communist and revolutionary person, on the basis of whose ideas and principles scientific socialism was born. He was born on May 5, 1818.
early life
Karl Marx was born in a place called Trier in the Lower Rhine province of Prussia. His father, Heinrich Marx, was a successful lawyer who participated in the movement for the Prussian Constitution. His mother was born in Thalo Holland, both parents were Jewish. But Karl Marx was blessed in a church a year before he was born. At the age of 6, Karl Marx was also blessed.
Marx's parents educated him at home until the age of thirteen. Then he was admitted to the University of Bonma. While studying there, he joined various clubs including poets' club and started actively participating in those clubs. Due to this, his studies dropped. Therefore, Karl Marx's father admitted him to the University of Berlin, a university with strict discipline.
While studying at the University of Berlin, Karl Max focused on his studies and showed a particular interest in law. At the same time, he was influenced by the famous philosopher G.W.F. Hegel and joined a local group that was establishing Hegel's principles.
After the untimely death of Karl Marx's father, their financial position became weak. So he started earning money by writing. When Karl Marx realized that his interests lay in history and philosophy, he gave up writing.
In 1842, Karl Marx went to Cologne. There he worked as a newspaper editor. The main purpose of working in the newspaper was to support the family's financial situation. And, the second purpose is to bring out your thoughts. While working in that newspaper, he wrote articles on social issues, economic issues, as well as against the Russian rulers and against exploitation. As a result, the magazine was closed in 1843.
political journey
Karl Marx went to Paris in 1843. He started working there as a co-editor of a newspaper. He wrote two of his articles in the magazine, one on Jews and the other on Hegel's philosophy. Only one of these articles was published in 1844 and many readers and reviewers came to know him from the published article. After the German state banned the magazine, Karl Marx started working for another magazine in Paris called Forwards. At the same time, he wrote his ideas about socialism based on Hegel's ideas and criticized other socialists spread in Europe at that time.
In April 1844, Karl Marx became friends with Friedrich Engels. Friedrich helped Karl Marx refine his theories and ideas. Friedrich also helped him greatly in researching and publishing theories of political economy. Political economy is one of the main works done by Karl Marx. In Marx's political economy, Hegel's theory, English economics and the legendary socialism of France are combined. He published all his ideas and theories in August 1844.
After the forwards were also closed, Karl Marx went to Brussels with his friend Friedrich in 1845. There, together with Friedrich, he wrote a book on German thought and during a short visit to Britain met the leaders of the socialist revolution. In 1847, Karl Marx wrote the book 'The Poverty of Philosophy'. After that, he started saying that revolution is necessary for change and that the principles he announced should be implemented.
Karl Marx joined the League of the Just with his friend Friedrich. He wanted his voice to be raised through that organization, but for that, the organization should come out and be recognized as a political party. With the efforts of Karl Marx who understood this, the organization came out as a political party in 1847 under the name 'The Communist Leg'. He started putting his principles there. In favor of socialism, the party issued the 'Communist Manifesto' in 1848. After the communist revolution started, he was pressured to return to France.
After Karl Marx returned to France in 1848, he established the headquarters of the Communist Party in Paris and started working to bring the socialists in France together. After that, with the aim of spreading socialist thought in Germany, he went to Cologne and there published a summary of the Communist Manifesto under the title of Demands of the Communist Party in Germany. After that, he ran a daily newspaper there because it would help to publish his theories and communist works. He was arrested by the police shortly after running the newspaper. Karl Marx was exiled in 1849 after the King of Prussia opposed the work of Karl Marx. Exiled, Karl Marx went to London, where he spent the rest of his life.
After the split in the Communist League in 1849, Karl Marx joined the Educational Society of German Socialist Workers, but he resigned on September 17, 1850 due to disagreements. Due to the financial condition of the house, he took forward his writing along with his revolutionary steps. Karl Marx wrote 'The War in France', supporting the people in the movement of the people of Paris to overthrow the government. In the later days of his life, he became ill and admitted that he was too stubborn for his principles. But even after taking a break from politics, he supported the Russian revolutionaries.
Karl Marx married Jenny on June 19, 1843. They had seven children. Jenny died in 1881, leaving him deranged. Then in 1883, after the death of his eldest daughter, he began to suffer more and in the same year, i.e. on March 14, 1883, he died.
Karl Marx is known all over the world as the father of Marxism. The Communist Manifesto, published in 1848, is regarded as the world's most influential political manifesto. Similarly, Marxist economics is also famous all over the world. Karl Marx is dead and alive and still the politics of the world ripples with his name.
Whoever wants to create something in his life, to express something, to make a new identity, he must have the courage to carry his dream in his womb and bear the pain of giving birth to it, risk his life to give birth to it. As a mother gives birth to her child.